“What seems most personal, is most universal.”


Wendy van Loon

Daughter. Sister. Friend. Lover. Mother. Born in 1982. Sun in Leo.

From ‘wanting to do something for people’ to having my own coaching business since 2017. Expert in career coaching and soul-based coaching. Enjoying the unfoldings of desired outcomes over and over again.

Witness of the circle of life.
Strong space holder. Reader. Singer. Finding joy in visiting melting pots, walking sea shores, picking herbs from my garden and eating melanzane parmigiano.

Like you, I’ve come with some interesting themes in this life. I know loneliness. I know grief. I know pushing myself too hard. I know lack of boundaries. I know putting myself last on the list. And I’ve found out: I’m not a surface girl 😀

Others consider me to be grounded, soft hearted and professional. For you to experience calmness and simplicity in your narrative, is my aim. If you want to dive under your surface, go get your goggles. I will create a safe and brave space for you.

What seems most personal, is most universal. However, your desires are unique. Your systems way of navigating towards these desires is unique. Your outcomes will be unique.

When working with me as your diving instructor, there is no travel brochure. No ‘if this, then that’. No smart goals. And definitely no fixing. Expect to deepen the connection with yourself, find joy, experience healing and discover powerful inner resouces that you can always tap back into >>>



Get to experience my work

I like my life and business to be as clean and easy as possible. Integrity. Personal contact. Tailor made stuff only, is where I stand for.
For the sake of both of us, I save you from e-mails, assignments, online programs or podcasts.
The only thing you need to ‘do’, is to show up as you are. And we’ll take it from there.

When you are done talking and thinking. Go get your goggles.
I look forward to meeting you!

“Sometimes we see best with our eyes closed.”


My soul into work

Kindergarten teacher, hairdresser and stewardess are some of the ideas I had as a child when being asked (the impossible question) ‘what do you want to be when you grow up?’

After finishing high school, I studied International Business and Languages. Going abroad and learning languages was my favorite part. I worked in commercial roles, and as a reintegration and quality consultant.

My curiosity for more immersion lead to my first coaching studies at Annet Brinkhuis in Laren, the Netherlands. Integrative and creative career coaching was part of my life now and I directly started my own business. I have had many trainings, workshops, supervision circles and sessions since that day. On hindsight I am proud of taking the leap for I have coached over 350 people until now. Never ever will I tire of witnessing fellow human vulnerabilities and dreams, it is precious to me every time.

It was in 2019 when I met Annemiek van Helsdingen, founder of the Academy for Soul-based coaching. Her way of coaching was invoking magic straight away. I both joined the program ‘Activate the power of Soul-based Change’ and the year long certifcation program ‘Invoke Your Clients Magic’. This work -that was developed by New Zealand born and Maori rooted psychologist David Grove- I want to bring forward. Soul-based coaching to me is an energetic way of coaching that is gentle, deep and very nourishing.

As a professional coach I take my work seriously and I continuously reflect on myself and my work. Apart from being a Certified Soul-based Coach, I am a registered Career Coach and a Practitioner Coach according the European Mentoring & Coaching Council >>>

Ik ben een gecertificeerd lifecoach en begeleid zowel levensvragen als loopbaanvragen Wendy van Loon is a certified career coach and life coach  Wendy van Loon is gecertificeerd coach bij NOBCO/EMCC


Take the leap

A simple world filled with love and liveliness, sounds really appealing to me. My contribution is small but indispensable, and so is yours. I invite you to take your leap to more awareness, more aliveness, more meaning. The first step can be right here.

Heaps of love,